
Missing Someone


Have you ever told your love one that you love him/her?

Have you ever promised him/her that you will not break your promise anymore?

Have you ever thought of telling him/her something but end up just keeping quiet?

Have you ever thought of taking picture with him/her so that you can show to everyone that he/she is someone important to you?

Will it be too late when you realize that just when you want to express your love and they are gone?

Life is so short. When you think everything will be as usual and he/she will be there when you want to see them but in real they are gone.

Life is so short. When you think that he/she will smile at you and chat with you when you need them, but in real they will never smile and talk to you.

Life is so short. When you think that there will always be next time for you and he/she, but in real that is actually their last time.

Life is so short. No one knows what will happen next. Cherish everything that you have and be thankful to everyone and everything. Tell your love one that you love them. Don't wait till it is too late.


This is contribute to my friend's cousin( 18 years old) who passed away in a car accident.
Everything written by Tisha