
Poem 诗

Poem, according to dictionary.com it is known as a composition in verse, esp. one that is characterized by a highly developed artistic form and by the use of heightened language and rhythm to express an intensely imaginative interpretation of the subject.

Tisha description for it is a sentence that explain your feeling.

Tisha likes to make her own poem, a simple and understandable poem. she gets her inspiration from her everyday life, her friends, movie and many more. she always draft her poem in her hand phone first then only type it and save in her computer.

she started to compose poem since 2004, with the use of her phone. I always make a poem before i sleep, but sadly all those poems were gone. Because her brother deleted all of them, kinda sad..

a list of Tisha’s Poems..

幸运-它不是一定的,机会-是要自己掌握的。不要羡慕别人拥有的, 而是去争取自己所要的 (Tisha 2008)

你说你放 不下她,因为她太软弱。你说她不是我,她没办法想我这么开朗。你说安慰她,待在她身边都是因为她需要你。但你告诉我说你并没爱上她。你要我明白。我怎么可 能会明白呢?我永远都不可能明白,而且也不会去明白。爱到底是什么?我开始怀疑?如果爱是一场游戏,那我一定就是游戏里的输家。因为当我爱上你的那一刻, 我就知道我永远都放不下你。如果爱是让你幸福,那我一定是不够爱你。因为我希望的幸福是我们两个人的幸福而不是你和她的。爱你我辛苦,放你走我又不舍得。 我该怎么做才好呢?(Tisha 2007)

爱到底是什么?我开始怀疑?如果爱是一场游戏,那我一定就是游戏里的输家。因为当我爱上你的那一刻,我就知道我永远都放不下你。如果爱是让你幸福,那我一定是不够爱你。因为我希望的幸福是我们两个人的幸福而不是你和她的。爱你我辛苦,放你走我又不舍得。我该怎么做才好呢?(Tisha 2007)

如果这是我所要的,为何我会后悔呢?如果这是我所要的,为何我会觉得伤心呢?如果这是我所要的,那我应该挑战自己。如果这是我所要的,我应该勇敢的走完这艰难的路。(Tisha 2007)

你说过你不会喜欢我,只为了你的她。你说了一些你曾经对她说的话,只因为现在有我。爱不爱我不知道。等不等你不确定。这就是爱你说。 这些我都不懂,只因为我的他还没出现。(Tisha 2004)

想念你的时候,我就会习惯性的望着天。而我的心也会随着我的脑海唱着我们都熟悉的那首歌。。。(Tisha 2005)

There r some more…but i need to find it.Comments accepted. BUT dun comment about my poor chinese. i wrote them with all the words i can think of