
Our 4 years

There are 1461 days, 35046 hours and 126,230,400 seconds in four years. What can we do in four years time?

Some people might give birth to their 4th kids, some people might get married from their 4 years relationship, some people might graduate from their degree, some people might break up or divorce from their 4 years relationship or some people might come out from jail?

What can i do in four years time? or i should say what did i do and learn in four years time?from 4/9/2004 - 4/9/2008? Four years is not a long period, it is not even half a decade. But i learn a lot from this four years, from the age of 16-20, from a teenager to an adult. I learn to love, care and be sincere in everything i have.

My bear bear has been with me for 4 years, he is 4 years old now. The size is getting smaller and smaller because i hug him everyday and night. But my feeling towards him is getting deeper and deeper. Since the first day i got him,I know that i will love him so much tat i wont let him go. No matter where i go, if i cant bring him around with me, i feel empty. I feel that there is something missing and i am not a complete person.

I always talk to my bear bear( yah~~i am crazy) whenever i am happy,sad,nervous or angry. He is the one who always stay beside me when i am facing difficulties. Yes, it might be just a soft toy but for me it is more than that. It is a gift given by someone and i teasure it a lot. Sometime i will imagine that if my bear bear will turn into a human, it will be a very cute little kid that will be with me forever. I hope my bear bear can be with me as long as he can. I know things will be spoilt no matter what, especially soft toy like him. Even the cotton in his body is getting thinner and thinner. Sooner or later he will be a skinny teddy bear. But i know no matter wat, he will be my best teddy bear and i will never forget him.

Happy 4 years old