Exams over!
So my friends and i decided to go somewhere to have fun. we are.
Esplanade beach.
We went there around 5pm(i think). Then i went to change my cloth(to avoid my shopping clothes to get dirty and sandy).Yes, I admit. I looked funny and weird with that pants, but i felt comfortable with it.=P
Below are some pictures that we took in the beach.
Dont say i dont warn you all.
Those pictures might be.....erm..Weird.
hahaha~~so be prepared.
Here we go.
Exams over!
So my friends and i decided to go somewhere to have fun. we are.
Esplanade beach.
We went there around 5pm(i think). Then i went to change my cloth(to avoid my shopping clothes to get dirty and sandy).Yes, I admit. I looked funny and weird with that pants, but i felt comfortable with it.=P
Below are some pictures that we took in the beach.
Dont say i dont warn you all.
Those pictures might be.....erm..Weird.
hahaha~~so be prepared.
Here we go.
[ Photographer - Ben zhang]
We have known each other for almost 2 years already. See how time flies? Is fast. Hope our friendship last forever ^.^
[ Photographer - Ben zhang]
Michelle's mum came to Miri for working purpose. She never been to Esplanade before, so we brought her here. I Felt sorry for her because while we were happily taking the pictures below, she was actually sitting somewhere looking at us. 母亲真伟大。 She reminds me of my mum and I miss my mum!
Love it everywhere...and it is so coincident that there two lovely couple (i think) inside the heard of me and Yee ling..How sweet~~
Lovely couple.