
Tisha Uni Life

When Tisha was having her first semester in Uni, she was a hardworking girl. She attended every lecture and sit right infront of the projector with her printed notes. She even wrote notes for every lecture and never talked to friends in class. Her results for that semester were 8777.

Then the second semesters, she started to sit at places that the lecturer couldnt notice her. She stopped printing and writing notes and never listen during lecture. She didnt attempt most of her tutorial questions and always studied last minutes. Her results for that semester were 7776.

This semester, she never printed her notes and never listen to lecture and never did her tutorial. She even escaped class or went to class late. She even failed one of her mid-semester exam because she didnt know the format of answering the question. Her results for this semester were 8776.

The results that Tisha get are not considered as Excellent but they are better than many people. It might be true that Tisha never listen in class and never attempt her tutorial questions but during exam period, she study days and nights to understand everything. She is a hardworking girl. If she cant finish all the chapters she wants to study on that day, she will not sleep. During exam period she study like orang gila and doesnt sleep well or sometimes doestnt sleep at all.

This sem, Tisha faced a problem. There was a subject that she was really not confident in. The first time in her uni-life that she started to afraid. She afraid that she might failed. The failure will lead to problem in choosing subjects for the following sems and also delay her graduates. She coundnt sleep well after the exam and prayed everynight hoping that god will make some changes to her mark.When she saw her results, she was jumping up and down. She was too happy that she passed! with credit! yah~~she got 60 for it. hehehe~~lucky! Besides that, during exam periods, she didnt sleep much which cause her waist to be very painful. It might be because of stress. So when she came back to Brunei, after a long long and comfortable sleep. She didnt feel any painfulness. Yes! no more pain~~Amazing right? hehehe~~

So~~thanks to god! I passed! Thanks to all my friends! I passed! Thanks to my family members! I passed!

I will continue to work hard to get better results!