Tisha Cinta Hijau
Green Green Green Green Green Green Green
Green Green Green Green Green Green Green
Life and Renewal: Green is life. Abundant in nature, green signifies growth, renewal, health, and environment. On the flip side, green is jealousy or envy (green-eyed monster) and inexperience.
Culture of Green: Green is the national color of Ireland and is strongly associated with that country. Green also has close associations with Islam. Because of all the green in nature the color is reminiscent of Spring. Coupled with red it's a Christmas color.
Using Green: With both a warming and cooling effect, the color green denotes balance, harmony, and stability.(http://desktoppub.about.com/cs/colorselection/p/green.htm)
does anyone knows that Libyan flag is completely in green colour? why?check it online.
So.....Tisha started to love green since she was in Form 4, reason? "It all started on the day i bought a green school bag. I am a person who like everything to be even. When i have a bag in one colour..i wan all my stuff inside to be in the same colour as the bag..So i started to buy green keychain(which is a big doggie.And i still using it now..4 yrs lerr~~), my bottle..my fan..and many more larr.That is when i found that green is a lovely colour…heheh.." (Quote from T|sHa 部落格~~bout myself post).
So i wanna take the pictures of my green things, then only i notice it is hard. How to take?take what? My bottle? my key chain? even my clothes and socks? How to take my clothes ? i wear them and take? or i jus hang the clothes and take? weird...so i will not take my baju and my socks. Everything that can be wear i will not take.


2) Green Vacuum (My green vacuum which is use to clean my notebook keyboard.)
3) My green bottle (My new green bottle, i use it days and nights. Cute ya!? even got straw..hehehe. It makes me wanna drink water everytime.)
4) My froggie bank ( which was given by my dad. He got it from a SC bank. He told me he donate $1 then he got that thing..)
5) My green bean frog alarm clock. (Cute ya? same as my msn emo..i like it so much..hehehe cute!!)
6)My green bags (The light green one should be familiar to u all, i use it everyday in campus, the dark shiny one is my new year bag. i seldom use it. Why?because is a shopping bag and i seldom go shopping..Y.Y)
7)My wallet (A green wallet which was given by xue mei, but i didnt use it..haha~~she gave me sinc 2006. 2 years later i still haven use it. Why? because i plan to use it wen i go vacation. hehehe so i just keep it 1st)
8) The shrek baby ( which i bought from Mc donald. Got sound de oh..very cute..haha~i am not a collectors for this. i bought it only because it is green. When i got it, i play the sound everyday to my sis. until she say me gila )
9)My lovely bear (which i hug everyday and night, wanna know more about it?go to my old post "our four years" http://laetisha24-7.blogspot.com/2008/09/our-4-years.html)
10) My lovely new phone.( nokia 7310 supernova, actually it is a stupid phone.but because it is green. so i like it!)
11) My rebena green bottle.(Cute huh?hehehe but all my friend say they wont care me if i bring this to campus and use it.hmmmm...bottle is for ppl to use de mah..dun use then do wat?)
12) A green turtle (given by my foundation baby~~as my b-day present.thanks~~hehehehe)
13) My lovely green bean frog (i bought it since 2006, and i promised myself that if i got a car i wanna stick it on my car.but sadly i still dun have a car yet.. Y.Y)
14) My big green doggy and my coin bag.. (i bought this since 2004..hehehehe very cute.i still keep them nicely.hehehehe cute little doggy..call green tea doggy.)
15) A green chopstick (i got from New Hope Church after the gathering of teaching us how to make sushi..hahaha)
16) My watches (hehehe~i bought from singapore..cheap cheap de.wish i can buy expensive watches..hai~~)
17) My lovely fan (if u got eyes..then u will notice that the picture in the fan is same as the big green tea dog.i purposely bought it de..hehehe. same as the dog, i bought it since 2004)
18)My lovely key chains~~(hehehe..i used to put one key with all the key chains..haha~~the green froggie is given by my bro,then the ni ni is given by my dad,the slipper is given by xue mei, the green bean frog is given by michelle dear and the elephant is given by joyce.hehehe)
19) My lovely bed.(hehehe~~i asked my mum to buy it.hehehe bcause i like it...nice nice)
So...thats all..hehehehe..my collections of green things will increase de..show u all again next time..