22 hours ago
I am now 22 years old!
So when I introduce myself to others, I will say "Hi ^^ Nice to meet you. My name is Tisha and I am 22 years old.Hehehe..with my big cute smile and small eyes :D
So the person will like ' 0.0 what?! You are 22 years old? I thought you are still 18 years old"
Yup..this is what the others will say normally.
This is because
1)I look childish (Looking?)
2)A person at my age does not act like me (Fooling around like an idiot. Jumping up an down like a small kids)
3)A person at my age talks with mature tone. (Unlike me, as if I talk without using brain)
4) A person at my age...can also be a mother of a child or many children. (I dont even have bf! where do I get a child?!)
My mum always tell me "when I was at your age, I gave birth to your eldest brother already. Why are you still like a kids..fooling around with no aims in life"
So i answered her "People at my age might look mature and talk politely with mature tones that adult like but that doesnt mean they have aims in their life!"
I do not know about others, but for me I do not get angry easily( I do feel uncomfortable for certain things but it is not angry). For me everything is "Never mind", "Is okay", "Dont Worry" and "Tomorrow is another day".
So when something happen, I tell myself
"Opps..I failed. Is okay, this is a signal for me to work harder next time"
"Opps I make my friend upset. Dont worry, everything will be fine if i apologized"
"Opps I lost my wallet. Never mind, there is only few dollars inside the wallet"
"Opps I do not have inspiration for my assignment. Tomorrow is another day. I should just have a good sleep and the idea will just *Pop out!"
With those thinking, I feel release. I believe everything happen for a reason.
God has a destiny for me. I must strike hard to achieve it and have faith on him.
Besides that, I have a goal and I try to do everything to achieve it. I might look like a stupid girl just fooling around. BUT I AM NOT! I actually think a lot.
So! in conclusion.. I look childish but I am not childish. Infact my EQ is high because I know the meaning of "DONT WORRY BE HAPPY".
I know that there is no point of being angry..because everything has a solution. Oh yah!! Happy go lucky as well~~! ^^
I am who I am! I love myself~~!